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Travis Whiteneck


 In Travis Whiteneck's work, inspiration ignites his creative process well before the first brushstroke meets canvas. Relaying conversations and experiences, Whiteneck weaves captivating narratives from his own life into his paintings. The artist retains his keen referential sensibilities by selecting subject matters that resonate with him deeply. He embraces an instinctive approach, layer by layer, as his art captures both a love of painting and the bittersweet release of letting go.


Growing up as one of three brothers in rural New Jersey and Philadelphia, a young Whiteneck frequently found himself at the kitchen table, surrounded by a colorful array of art supplies. It was his parents' clever strategy to channel their energetic trio's boundless enthusiasm into creativity. This early exposure to artistic expression sowed the seeds of a passion that would later become a remarkable career. After several years spent working various jobs, Travis pursued his dream by enrolling in the Hussian School of Art to obtain a degree in advertising. It was during this time that fate led him to paint. Encouraged by his instructor’s advice, "Do whatever it takes. Paint every day. You are a painter," Travis embarked on a journey of relentless dedication to his craft.



Since 2013, Travis Whiteneck's artistic endeavors have garnered well-deserved recognition. He has been sought after and included in numerous private collections internationally, and contributed to numerous group exhibitions within the United States. Additionally, he has donated his art to charity auctions in New York City on two separate occasions.


Whiteneck’s artistic oeuvre shows a fusion of passion, freedom, and unwavering commitment. Whiteneck’s paintings are evocative, sincere, and resonant. His work stands as a testament to the power of following one's heart, and the magic that can be born from an unyielding love for one’s practice.

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